Whose life or death is it anyway?

We may be ungrateful for what we have because we think we deserve more. In the process, we forget to ask ourselves - who owes us anything at all? When our plans are left to die in the gutter, is there a someone we can hold accountable? If our tireless efforts go south, whose collar... Continue Reading →

Screeching the secret of instant karma

At times, when you stand up for yourself - someone will pull the chair from under you. They may want your seat at the table. Perhaps they dislike the fact you were sitting there in the first place. But you cannot let their schemes stop you from following through with your plans. As the saying... Continue Reading →

Why you should listen to your body

Asian Openbill Storks are prehistoric-looking birds. A common sight in many parts of the Indian subcontinent, they wade around in wetlands. The conspicuous gap in its gigantic beak seems almost tragic. But the shape remains a very useful ally while preying on freshwater snails that comprise their staple diet. By appearance at least, they remind... Continue Reading →

Why dirty talk at dawn is not for the birds

I romanticize every sunrise I see. Whenever the first light appears from behind the clouds, the sky hosts a grand ceremony to celebrate life, death, ecstasy, and despair. It turns into a soaking wet fruit salad. There are rosy cherries, honey-roasted plums, and smoked orange slices. One time I saw a pineapple undress itself. The... Continue Reading →

Inherit the soundtrack of departure

It is inevitable to lose the people we love; family members, friends, pets or colleagues. Experiencing the loss is a pivotal part of the learning process to lead a happy and productive life. On a long enough timeline - everyone departs. Every relationship comes with an expiry date. People leave. We get upset. Then, we... Continue Reading →

Falling in love can give you butterflies

Last October, years after being swept off my feet by the birds of south India, I fell in love again. I was cruising on a Sunday morning in hope that I could spot pelagic birds. At a distance, I saw a gathering of winged creatures near a residential plot on the highway. Getting closer, I... Continue Reading →

Save your goodbyes because things are about to get weird

It is true that all good things come to an end. They simply must. Otherwise, bad things will happen. And then, we will be running around, as though fire ants were snacking on our brain tissues, wondering where it all went wrong. This blog has been a very important part of my life since 2014.... Continue Reading →

United we fall

The daily challenges faced by many people in my country do not bother me as much as they used to. Because I let go of the guilt of having had a more privileged upbringing. And I am not skilled enough to fight the system by tweeting about how unfair everything is. What really bothers me is... Continue Reading →

Where the words end and the birds begin

When I am not bird-watching, I like to watch people. Strangers, in particular. I am captivated by their nonverbal behavior. Gestures such as shoulder shrugs, head nods, and hand movements are significant parts of human interactions. They are our inner whistle-blowers that leak out top-secret information about our personalities. Tell the world who we really... Continue Reading →

Life is not a box of chocolates; it is a flock of flamingos

I have started to go bird-watching again. My body seems to have regained some of its strength. So, I have been visiting bird-friendly areas; to re-acclimatize myself to their sights, smells and sounds. But, this is not the part of the narrative in which the protagonist reconnects with something he loves. And miraculously - everything... Continue Reading →

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