With a little yelp from my friends: Spotted Owlets

I am terrible at comforting my friends when I don’t relate to their problems. It escapes me that all they need is a good listener. Instead I ask them to get over their feelings even before understanding what they are. I conclude that the best course of action for them is to move on without paying heed to such inanities.

They rightfully claim that my disruptive perspective is based upon how quickly I want conversations to end. I argue that they should just take more responsibility for their moods. Soon I watch them, with a gleam in my eyes, toy with notion that the fault isn’t with the stars.

At this point, we both realize what an asshole I can be; impatient and insensitive.

My friendship with Spotted Owlets has been far less tumultuous. I have learnt a lot about patience given how tough it has been to find them. I feel harmonious since our interactions aren’t affected by sentimental conundrums.

Even the disappointment of being away from most of them during the summer doesnā€™t break me. It only keeps me grounded and more hopeful.

I certainly try harder to find and sustain positive energy in them than I do with people.

Maybe thatā€™s the answer. I should try harder to be tolerant about that people and their problems, whether I relate to them or not. However, the past two weekends have taught me that I should probably just spend more time with Spotted Owlets.

Show me
how to fish today
or forever
hold your bait.

Spotted Owlet, Chennai
(Photographs: Chennai)

21 thoughts on “With a little yelp from my friends: Spotted Owlets

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  1. These are the best spirit-lifters!! Friends will always have problems and will always be hard to please, so don’t try to please them. Just be who you are to the best of your ability, complete with hugs, smiles and (yes) a good ear. šŸ˜€

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